Organising Transport: My Guide for Beginners

If you are a novice when it comes to arranging the transportation of people and things from one place to another, don't panic! This blog will provide you with tons of useful tips and advice which will help you to make successful arrangements. I was inspired to start this blog by Bob, the owner of a local transportation company. When I needed to arrange for a group of people to fly into the country and then for them and their belongings to be transported from Perth to Sydney, Bob was able to help. I learnt so much from him that I just have to share it here.

Finding a Flight School: 3 Things to Consider


If you are considering signing up for flying lessons, you may be on the lookout for a flight school which offers training which will allow you to gain your recreational pilots licence. This blog will provide you with some useful tips which will help you to find the perfect flight school.

Consider the cost

Many people make the mistake of starting flight training without thinking about how they will pay for the entire course. Depending on how often you take lessons, it may take you months or even years to complete the qualification and to be granted your private pilots licence. There is very little to be gained from starting lessons and then stopping again because you have run out of money as having such a break in your learning could be detrimental to your progress. When looking at the cost, you may wish to see if your flight school offers a payment plan which will allow you to spread the cost by paying for lessons in instalments. This way, you will not have to save up a lump sum before you can even begin.

Consider the instructors

It is also important to consider the experience and skills which the instructors will bring to each lesson. Most flight schools produce brochures which will provide a brief bio of each instructor which will contain information about where they learnt to fly, the types of aircraft they are rated on and the number of hours they have in their logbook. The skills your instructor brings to the table can have a big impact on how you progress during your flight training so it is worth looking for a team of instructors who are very experienced. You should pay particular attention to any instructors who have received military flight training which is always a good sign due to the extremely high standards required to operate at that level.

Consider time commitments

If you want to learn to fly you will need to commit to having lessons on a regular basis. Some flight training centres have minimum time commitments they expect each student to make. Before you sign on the dotted line, you should think carefully about your life and if you will be able to realistically fit your lessons in around family and work commitments. If you have any doubts, you should speak with someone at the flight school.

If you are interested in finding out more, you should make contact with local companies which offer flight training.


27 November 2019